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How to track conversions with ThriveTracker

This guide is for ThriveTracker only. If you want to know the generic steps for S2S tracking, please check the Advertisers section.

ExoClick gives you access to global traffic sources, targeting features, big data and statistical analytical tools to filter results and optimise your campaigns. This manual explains how to track conversions on the ExoClick network when you are using tracking software ThriveTracker. In order to track your offer, you need ThriveTracker and ExoClick to speak to each other through their servers.

If you want to receive additional information, please check Thrivetracker's integration guide.

Step 1: Create the Goal ID for the Postback URL

Log into your ExoClick Admin Panel and go to Campaigns > Conversions tracking. This allows you to create the conversions tracking code to be used in your postback URL:


Click "New Conversion Goal". There are three fields you must complete: Name, Conversion Value and Order. In Name, simply add a name for the goal, for example: "Postback".

The available Conversion Values are:

  • No Value: value is 0
  • Fixed: you determine the payout of the conversion manually when setting up the Goal.
  • Dynamic: the value of the payout will be passed through the Postback URL. Dynamic value passing will be explained in detail later during the guide.

Order is used to organize the different goals you have created in your account. If you have created multiple Conversion Goals, the Order will help you organize how these goals are displayed in your Statistics and in the Campaigns List.

Once you have added all these fields, click on the "Create" button. The Admin Panel will display the structure of the Postback URL as well as the Goal ID corresponding to the Goal you just created. It should look something similar to this:

You can also check our Conversions Tracking page to find out more details about our Goal creation process.

Step 2: Create a new traffic source in ThriveTracker

To track conversions on ExoClick you will need to add a dynamic tracker to your campaign URL {conversions_tracking} which identifies each click uniquely. You must store this tracker on ThriveTracker and get it to notify ExoClick’s server each time a user generates a conversion.

You can store this tracker via the Postback URL. To do so in ThriveTracker, follow these steps:

  1. Login to ThriveTracker, click on "Traffic Sources", then click on "Add New Traffic Source":


  1. Select ExoClick from the list of available templates.
  2. ThriveTracker will pre-populate all the traffic source settings. Under "Traffic Source Post-back URL", add the Postback URL you created in ExoClick.

Note: If you selected Dynamic value when setting up your Goal in ExoClick, then you will also have to add &value={amount} at the end of the Postback URL so as to pass the value of the conversion. In this case, your postback URL will look like the following:{externalid}&value={amount}
  1. Lastly, under the "Parameters" list, change the Cost parameter from "{cost}" to "{actual_cost}":


{actual_cost} is defined as the cost for the actual CPM / CPC paid for each impression/click. Therefore, this parameter should be used for Banners CPC and Popunders CPM / Smart CPM. Note that ThriveTracker only measures clicks, so you can't track CPM costs from non-popunder formats.

The only mandatory parameter to track conversions is the External ID, all others are optional. You can always find all the available tokens on in our Dynamic Tokens page.

  1. Click “Save” to save the postback URL.

Step 3 (optional): Add an Affiliate Network to ThriveTracker

If you are not using an Offer from an Affiliate platform, please Skip to Step 4

Click the Affiliate Networks tab, then click on "Add New Network":


Click on "Predefined Affiliate Networks" and select the network you are working with. If your network is not listed there, then you will be able to input the network's parameters manually.

From this page, the most important parameter for ExoClick is the Amount, as it will be used in the Postback URL in case you are passing costs dynamically from the affiliate network.


Once you have created the affiliate network, copy its Postback URL and paste it in the corresponding field of your affiliate network. This URL will look like the following:{transid}&offerid=&amount={payout}&subid={clickid}&s1={subid1}&s2={subid2}&s3={subid3}&s4={subid4}&s5={subid5}

Note: This Postback URL is not the same as the one you created for ExoClick.

Step 4: Create an Offer in ThriveTracker

Click the "Offers" tab, then click “Add new offer":


Add an Offer Name and Group, then link it to the Affiliate Network (if you have one).

In "Value per Conversion", if you are receiving the payout from the offer dynamically, you can leave it as "0" value (the value will be overwritten by the Affiliate Network's settings). If this is not the case, then write down the value from the conversion.

Lastly, in "Offer URL", add the URL from your product. Make sure to add {subid} to the URL if you are sending conversions to the Affiliate Network


Step 5: Create a Campaign in ThriveTracker

In ThriveTracker, click "Campaigns" > "Create Campaign"


Add a Campaign Name and a Campaign Type. Then, select "ExoClick" as a Traffic Source:


Click on "Campaign Rotations", then choose "Create New Rotations":


Add a Name to your rotation, then click on "Add Offers" and select the Offer you created before. If you have a Landing Page, you can also include it in the rotation. For more information on Landing Pages in ThriveTracker, please check their FAQ


Once you add the Offer, click "Create". You can now copy the Campaign URL from your campaign settings in Thrivetracker:


Note: ThriveTracker offers a test domain that you can use for your Campaign URL. However, they recommend creating a separate custom domain for your account. For more information about this, please check their FAQ.

You will use this Campaign URL as a variation in your ExoClick campaign:

Step 6: Set up the campaign on ExoClick

Paste the Campaign URL created in the previous step as your "Variation" for your ExoClick campaign{conversions_tracking}&cost={actual_cost}&campid={campaign_id}&creaid={variation_id}&sitenm={src_hostname}&catego={category_id}&ctcode={country}&zoneid={zone_id}


Make sure that the campaign URL contains the {conversions_tracking} tag to pass the information from the conversion.

You can find a detailed guide on how to create a campaign in ExoClick here

If the set up has been done correctly, you will start seeing conversions both in ThriveTracker and ExoClick. Do not forget to enable the corresponding Goal column in your Campaigns List and your Statistics

If you need further guidance on how to set up Conversion tracking in ThriveTracker, don't hesitate to contact ThriveTracker support. You can also contact ExoClick's Customer Success to review these steps.