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Open RTB Bid Response Specifications

The response for a bid request will have the following structure:

Objeto da resposta ao concurso

idSimID of the bid request (string)
oferta de lugaresSimCollection of bids made by the bidder on behalf of a specific seat.

oferta de lugares

ofertaSimID do objeto de impressão ao qual este lance se aplica (string)


idSimID for the bid object chosen by the bidder (string)
impiedosoSimID do objeto de impressão ao qual este lance se aplica (string)
preçoSimPreço da proposta em CPM ou CPC (flutuante)
admSimExoClick XML/JSON Ad Markup (string)
nurlSimWin notification URL
cidNãoCampaign ID to assist with ad quality checking (string)
crostaRecomendadoID criativa para ajudar no controlo da qualidade do anúncio (string)
iurlRecomendadoURL do criativo
extNãoExtensão específica ExoClick (objeto)

Note:The nURL must be notified in order to ensure campaign capping and avoid getting the same response every time.


tipo bRecomendadoPricing Model. Values: 1 = CPM, 2 = CPC*. Default = 1 (int). Note: When response is for an Email Clicks zone request, 1 = Smart CPC.

Note: Only Push Notification and Native ad formats may bid with the CPC pricing model.

Win Notification

When the parameter Bid Response Object > Seat Bid Object > Bid Object > nurl is in the bid response, a GET request must be performed to such URL.


You can find detailed examples of the Responses you can receive in the example page.