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ExoClick RTB Bid Response Specifications

The following page describes the responses you should expect to receive from ExoClick RTB requests:

Objeto da resposta ao concurso

The ExoClick RTB Bid Response is done using JSON and XML.

idID of the object to which this bid applies (string)
imgUrlImage url (only for type banner) (string)
iconUrlIcon url (only for type push_notification and must be of requested dimensions) (string)
clickUrlForward url when campaign is clicked (for type banner or push_notification) (string)
nUrlWin notification URL (string)
urlForward url when campaign is clicked (only for type popunder) (string)
títuloTitle of the ad (only for type push_notification) (string)
descriçãoDescription of the ad (only for type push_notification) (string)
valorBid price in CPM (float)
tipo bModelo de preços. Valores: 1 = CPM, 2 = CPC. Predefinição = 1 (int). Quando a resposta é para um pedido de zona de cliques de correio eletrónico, 1 = CPC inteligente.


  • "id" attribute should match the "id" received in the request.
  • o formato de anúncio Push Notification pode receber licitações com o modelo de preços CPC. o formato Diret Link também pode ser utilizado para pedidos de zona Email Click.

Win Notification

When the parameter Bid Response Object > nUrl is in the bid response, a GET request must be performed to such URL.