ExoClick RTB Bid Request Specifications
The ExoClick RTB Bid Request is done using JSON for POST and a URL for GET. XML requests are not allowed for POST.
Bid Request Headers
- ExoClick RTB Version HTTP Header: x-exadsrtb-version: 1.0
- Keep-Alive HTTP Header: Connection: Keep-Alive
- Content JSON: Content-Type: application/json
- Data Encoding Header: Accept-Encoding
Bid Request Object
Attribute | Required? | Descrição |
id | Yes | Unique bid request ID (string) |
ip | Yes | IP address of the user (string) |
language | Yes | Browser language using ISO-639-1-alpha-2 (string) |
remove_addr | No | Main IP address of the user (string) |
x_forwarded_for | No | X-FORWARDED-FOR IP address of the user or empty if not set (string) |
tipo | Yes | Request type. Can be “banner”, “popunder”, "direct_link", "email_click"*, “push_notification” or "in_page_push_notification" (string) |
ua | Yes | Browser user agent (string) |
url | Yes | Full URL of the page where the ad will be shown (string) |
user_id | Yes | Unique user ID (string) |
submarino | No | This should be a number between six and ten digits: Do not use zeroes at the beginning of Sub IDs. |
export | Yes | Response type. Can be "json" or "xml" (string) |
keyword | No | Keywords can be used to ensure ad zones get the right type of advertising. Keywords should be a string of comma-separated words. |
tamanho | Required for banner** | Publisher ad type size (string) |
el | No | Base64 Encoded Email. Available only for Email Clicks and Direct Link (string) |
- "email_click" as a type needs to be specified only in GET requests.
- In Push requests, if size is omitted, the default value will be 192x192 for backwards compatibility
- Sub IDs should be a number between 1 and Int32: Do not use zeroes at the beginning of Sub IDs.