ExoClick RTB Bid Response Specifications
The ExoClick RTB Bid Response can be done using JSON and XML. The response for a bid request should have the following structure:
Bid Response Object
Attribute | Descrição |
id | ID of the impression object to which this bid applies (string) |
imgUrl | Image url (only for type banner) |
iconUrl | Icon url (only for type push_notification and must be of requested dimensions) |
clickUrl | Forward url when campaign is clicked (for type banner or push_notification) |
url | Forward url when campaign is clicked (only for type popunder) |
title | Title of the ad (only for type push_notification) |
description | Description of the ad (only for type push_notification) |
value | Bid price in CPM or CPC (float) |
imptrackers | Impression trackers, optional (only for type push_notification) |
btype | Pricing Model. Values: 1 = CPM, 2 = CPC. Default = 1 (int). When response is for an Email Clicks zone request, 1 = Smart CPC. |
bUrl | Billing notification URL, it is recommended to use HTTP over HTTPS for bUrl |
- "id" attribute should match the "id" received in the request.
- Push Notification ad format may receive bids with the CPC pricing model. Direct Link format may also when used for Email Click zone requests.
- Also, when running Push Notification ads, only one imptracker URL is allowed.
- bURL is called when impression or click has been delivered, depending on CPM or CPC from btype field (default CPM)
No Bid Response
To answer a bid request without making an actual bid, an HTTP response code 204 "No Content" should be sent.
Add dynamic tokens to your endpoint
In addition to the information you receive through the request, you can also add dynamic tokens to your endpoint. This will allow you to quickly detect the origin of the request when reviewing the requests received.
Here you will find the most common tokens used ExoClick:
- {site_id}: O número de identificação do sítio onde o anúncio é apresentado.
- {zone_id}: O ID da zona de anúncios onde o anúncio é apresentado.
- {src_hostname}: O nome do site que o Editor submeteu para apresentação de anúncios, sem incluir o protocolo HTTP no início (por exemplo, examplesite.com).
- {url}: O URL completo do sítio que o Editor submeteu ao Painel de administração para apresentar anúncios, incluindo o protocolo HTTP (por exemplo, https://examplesite.com). Nota: Este token não apresentará o URL onde o anúncio foi apresentado ao utilizador; apenas o URL que está registado na nossa plataforma.
- {tags}: A lista de palavras-chave que foram identificadas para essa impressão de anúncio.
- {palavra-chave}: A palavra-chave que foi correspondida no caso de campanhas que visam palavras-chave específicas. Este campo estará vazio se não houver correspondência.
- {língua}: A língua do visitante.
- {&empty=204}: Add it to the endpoint whenever you return a No Bid response.
- {imp_id}: Add it to receive the impression ID in the endpoint.
If you require other tokens or you need to track additional details, please contact your account manager.
You can find detailed examples from Bid response in our Advertiser Response example page