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What do I need to do to get my earnings?

It's easy!

Once you’ve submitted your site, set up the ad zones and added your payment information, we will do the rest!

Set up Ad zones & generate revenue

Create ad zone codes and insert them into your website(s). Scroll down to the section "Creating your Ad zones" here. You will receive advertising within a few minutes of adding our code to your site(s) and immediately start generating revenue!

Note: You do not need to wait for your site(s) to be verified, to avoid losing earnings!

Add your payment information

See here for selecting and setting up your payment options.

We will contact you regarding your payment status!

Our Compliance Team will assess the traffic quality you are sending to our advertisers and contact you to advise. If you have questions about your payments, then select the "Publisher Payments" reason from the Compliance form here.

Receiving your payments

  • You need to generate revenue of at least 20 EUR/USD to receive a payment and depending on the payment options you have selected above.
  • Weekly payments are sent one week after your reach the minimum amount, each Monday (Net7)
  • Monthly payments are sent on the 20th of the next month (Net20) providing you have reached the minimum amount by the last Sunday in the current month.
  • If your normal payment date falls on a public holiday, we will send the payment on the next available working day.
  • Payments are normally sent by the close of standard business hours (6pm CET) no need to chase your payment until after this time.


  • Your website(s) needs to be active and sending organic traffic
  • If you want to build up your earnings before receiving a payment, that's fine, but be aware we only pay earnings if they were generated in the current year or the previous year. Anything earned before this time, would be deducted from any future payment!