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Global Statistics API

This section describes the Global Statistics API request parameters and result data.

Note: The statistics API routes have been renamed:

  • /statistics/advertiser/... -> /statistics/a/...
  • /statistics/publisher/... -> /statistics/p/...

Note: The Global Statistics API only shows skipped RTB queries for Date, Sites, Zones, Countries, Regions, and Sub IDs.

countReturn only the total of results.integeroptional
detailedGet more detail if possible.integeroptional
timezoneTimezone setting for 'hour' filter and 'group_by'stringoptional
totalsIndicates whether add totals to response or not.integeroptional
filterFilters to restrict the returned values of a statistics queryobjectoptional
group_byA list of group by values to be applied in the data. Maximum four are permitted.arraymandatory
order_byOrdering of results by a specific field(s). A maximum of two are permitted.arrayoptional
projectionIndividual sub-structures a user wants to have returned in the response.arrayoptional
limitThe number of records to return in this response.integeroptional
offsetThe position to retrieve the records from.integeroptional

Parameter count

Variable typeinteger
Default Value0
Available values[0, 1]
DescriptionReturn only the total of results.


"count": 1

Parameter detailed

Variable typeinteger
Default Value0
Available values[0, 1]
DescriptionWhether to return detailed information or not.


"detailed": 1

Parameter timezone

Timezone setting for hour filter and group_by.

Variable typestring
Default ValueAmerica/New_york
Available valuesSet timezone field of / collections / timezones
DescriptionNOTE: Timezones are only relevant when we are querying based on hourly data, for non-hourly data this is a no-op.


"timezone": "Europe/Dublin"

Parameter totals

Variable typeinteger
Default Value0
Available values[0,1]
DescriptionIndicates whether add totals to response or not.


"totals": 1

Parameter filter

Variable typeobject
Available option for Advertisers[”adblock”, ”advertiser_ad_type_id”, “browser_id”, “carrier_id”, “category_id”, “country_iso”, “date_from”, “date_to”, “device_id”, “device_type_id”, hour”, “language_id”, “operating_system_id”, “region_id”, “site_hostname”, “site_id”, “size”, “sub”, “zone_id”, “campaign_id”, “exclude_deleted”, “offer_id”, “offer_landing_page_id”, “variation_id”]
Available option for Publishers[”adblock”, “browser_id”, “carrier_id”, “category_id”, “country_iso”, “date_from”, “date_to”, “device_id”, “device_type_id”, “hour”, “language_id”, “operating_system_id”, “region_id”, “site_hostname”, “site_id”, “zone_id”, “publisher_ad_type_id”, “size”, “sub”]
DescriptionFilter by certain parameters.

Filter: country_iso

Variable typestring
Default Value
Available valuesSee /collections/countries endpoint iso3 property
DescriptionList of ISO 3 code


"filter": {
"country_iso": ["ESP", "IRL"]

Filter date_from, date_to

The date_from and date_to parameters control the window over which you want to fetch stats information.

  • date_from: Date from range for statistics, (Default beginning of month),
  • date_to: Date to range for statistics, (Default today)
Propertydate_from, date_to
Variable typestring
Default ValueThe dates default to the current month.
Available valuesYYYY-mm-dd
DescriptionDate from/to range for statistics. Format YYYY-mm-dd


"filter": {
"date_from": "2019-02-25",
"date_to": "2019-02-28"

Timezones are only relevant when we are querying based on hourly data, for non-hourly data this is a no-op.

Filter: advertiser_ad_type_id, campaign_id, browser_id, carrier_id, category_id, device_id, device_type_id, language_id, offer_id, offer_landing_page_id, operating_system_id, hour, region_id, site_id, sub, variation_id, zone_id, publisher_ad_type_id

Propertyadvertiser_ad_type_id, campaign_id, browser_id, carrier_id, category_id, device_id, device_type_id, language_id, offer_id, offer_landing_page_id, operating_system_id, hour, region_id, site_id, sub, variation_id, zone_id, advertiser_ad_type_id, publisher_ad_type_id
Variable typearray
Items typeinteger
Default Value
Available valuesRelative properties OR collections
DescriptionList of entity Ids


"filter": {
"campaign_id": [123, 456],
"browser_id": [789]

Filter: exclude_deleted

Variable typeinteger
Default Value0
Available values[0, 1]
DescriptionWhether to exclude deleted campaigns or not.


"filter": {
"exclude_deleted": 1

Filter: adblock

Variable typestring
Default Value"all"
Available values"adblock", "all", "standard"
DescriptionWhether to include adblock zones or not.


"filter": {
"adblock": "standard"

Filter: site_hostname

Variable typestring
Default Value
Available valuesValid characters for hostnames are letters from a to z, the digits from 0 to 9, hyphen and dot.
DescriptionFilter by site hostname.


"filter": {
"site_hostname": ["www.example.com", "www.example-site.org"]

Filter: size

Variable typestring
Default Value
Available valuesValid characters for size are the digits from 0 to 9 and x character. Example 300x100
DescriptionFilter by size


"filter": {
"size": ["300x100"]

Parameter group_by

Variable typearray
Items typestring
Default Value
Available values for Advertisers[”adblock”, “advertiser_ad_type_id”, browser_id”, “campaign_id”, “carrier_id”, “category_id”, “country_iso”, “date”, “hour”, “device_id”, “device_type_id”, “language_id”, “operating_system_id”, “region_id”, “site_id”, “sub”, “zone_id”, “week”, “month”, “quarter”, “year”, “offer_id”, “offer_landing_page_id”, “site_hostname”, “size”, “variation_id”]
Available values for Publishers[“adblock”, “browser_id”, “carrier_id”, “category_id”, “country_iso”, “date”, “device_id”, “device_type_id”, “hour”, “language_id”, “operating_system_id”, “publisher_ad_type_id” “region_id”, “site_id”, “size”, “sub”, “zone_id”, “week”, “month”, “quarter”, “year”]
DescriptionA list of sub-requests to include additional data in response.


"group_by": [

Parameter order_by

Variable typearray
Items typestring
Default Value
Available metrics field values[“cpc”, “cpc”, “cpm”, “cpv”, “ctr”, “clicks”, “impressions”, “video_impressions”, “video_views”, “vtr”, “rtb_win_ratio”, “rtb_avg_total_time”, “rtb_skipped”, “rtb_bid_response_ratio”, “rtb_avg_cpm”, “rtb_timeouts_ratio”, “rt_errors_ratio”, “rtb_no_bid_ratio”, “rtb_skipped_ratio”]
Available field values dependent on `group_by’ for Advertisers[”adblock”, “browser_id”, “campaign_id”, “carrier_id”, “category_id”, “country_iso”, “device_id”, “date”, “device_type_id”, “hour”, “ecpa1”, “g1”,“language_id”, “month”, “offer_id”, “offer_landing_page_id”, “operating_system_id”, “quarter”, “region_id”, “site_hostname”, “site_id”, “sub”, “variation_id”, “week”, “year” ,“zone_id”]
Available field values dependent on `group_by’ for Publishers[“adblock”, “browser_id”, “carrier_id”, “category_id”, “country_iso”, “device_id”, “date”, “device_type_id” , “hour”, “language_id”, “month”, “operating_system_id”, “quarter”, “region_id”, “site_id”, “sub”, “week”, “year”, “zone_id”]
Available order values[“asc”, “desc”]
DescriptionA list of available order by options


  • The metrics fields are available all the time to use as order by field.
  • To order by specific value (for example by “browser_id”), you need to include it in “group_by” parameter.

The “g1”, “ecpa1” values are only available when user has Conversion Tracking (Goals). All goals associated with a serial number (g1, g2, …gx). The eCPA values are accordingly ecpa1, ecpa2, …ecpax.


"order_by": [
"field": "impressions",
"order": "desc"

Example to organize the campaign results chronologically, the “date” need to be included in both “group_by” and “order_by”:

"group_by": [
"field": "date",
"order": "asc"

Parameter projection

The projection parameter reflects what will be returned in the resulting payload. If not specified all sub structures will be returned.

Variable typeobject
Items typearray
Default valueall options, see below
Available field values for Advertisers[“base”, “rtb”, “video”, “goals*”]
Available field values for Publishers[“base”, “rtb”, “video”, “wpn”]

*Some "goal" fields, like "profit" and "roi", are calculated based on the cost of the campaign, so you must also use "base" field if you want to receive the correct "goals" metrics.


In order to receive all possible metrics as an advertiser, use:

"projection": {
"base": ["*"],
"video": ["*"],
"goals": ["*"],
"rtb": ["*"]

In order to receive all possible metrics as a publisher, use:

"projection": {
"base": ["*"],
"video": ["*"],
"wpn": ["*"],
"rtb": ["*"]

You can also specify the metrics within each projection field:

"projection": {
"base": ["impressions","clicks","cost","revenue","cpc","cpm","ctr"],
"video": ["impressions","views","cpv","vtr"],
"rtb": ["total_time","queries","value","success","no_bid","skipped","errors","timeouts","wins","win_ratio"],
//only for Publishers
"wpn": ["subscriptions","unsubscriptions","sent"]

The only field that does not allow specific metric projection is "goals"

Parameter limit

The number of records to return in this response.

Variable typeinteger
Default Value50


"limit": 25

Parameter offset

The position to retrieve the records from.

Variable typeinteger
Default Value0


"offset": 150

Example 1

Advertiser campaign statistic with filtering.


"detailed": true,
"totals": 1,
"filter": {
"date_from": "2019-03-10",
"date_to": "2019-03-11",
"country_iso": ["USA"]
"group_by": ["campaign_id"],
"order_by": [
"field": "campaign_id",
"order": "desc"
"projection": {
"base": ["*"],
"video": ["*"],
"rtb": ["*"]
"limit": 2,
"offset": 0


"request_metadata": {
"count": 4,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 0
"result": [
"clicks": 0,
"cost": 1.3302,
"cpc": 0,
"cpm": 0.45586017820425,
"ctr": 0,
"group_by": {
"campaign_id": {
"active": "1",
"campaign_ad_type_name": "Popunders",
"id": "1234567",
"name": "Ron Mainstream Campaign "
"impressions": 2918,
"rtb": {
"avg_cpm": 0.15582967823432,
"avg_total_time": 89.522714492492,
"errors": 112,
"errors_ratio": 0.011368411650186,
"no_bid": 870594,
"no_bid_ratio": 88.368490823053,
"queries": 985186,
"response_ratio": 11.57101298638,
"skipped": 0,
"skipped_ratio": 0,
"success": 984590,
"timeouts": 484,
"timeouts_ratio": 0.049127778916875,
"total_time": 88196525,
"value": 1776.396,
"win_ratio": 0.29842080581738,
"wins": 2940
"video": {
"cpv": 0,
"impressions": 0,
"views": 0,
"vtr": 0
"clicks": 0,
"cost": 18.1621655,
"cpc": 0,
"cpm": 1.8273634671496,
"ctr": 0,
"group_by": {
"campaign_id": {
"active": "1",
"campaign_ad_type_name": "Popunders",
"id": "7654321",
"name": "Ron Mainstream Campaign Test"
"impressions": 9939,
"rtb": {
"avg_cpm": 1.4753505300475,
"avg_total_time": 88.777190144965,
"errors": 46,
"errors_ratio": 0.0014192869995779,
"no_bid": 3209674,
"no_bid_ratio": 99.031490893114,
"queries": 3241064,
"response_ratio": 0.8964340105595,
"skipped": 0,
"skipped_ratio": 0,
"success": 3238728,
"timeouts": 2290,
"timeouts_ratio": 0.070655809326814,
"total_time": 287732555,
"value": 4286.48343,
"win_ratio": 0.30665855410445,
"wins": 9939
"video": {
"cpv": 0,
"impressions": 0,
"views": 0,
"vtr": 0
"result_total": {
"clicks": 0,
"cost": 74.0473595,
"cpc": 0,
"cpm": 2.0864288391096,
"ctr": 0,
"impressions": 35490,
"rtb": {
"avg_cpm": 0.23441613972984,
"avg_total_time": 87.995789332859,
"errors": 539,
"errors_ratio": 0.0049868154705264,
"no_bid": 9771471,
"no_bid_ratio": 90.405422546568,
"queries": 10808501,
"response_ratio": 9.5135301370653,
"skipped": 0,
"skipped_ratio": 0,
"success": 10799741,
"timeouts": 8221,
"timeouts_ratio": 0.07606050089647,
"total_time": 951102577,
"win_ratio": 0.32861171035651,
"wins": 35518
"video": {
"cpv": 0,
"impressions": 0,
"views": 0,
"vtr": 0

Example 2

Advertiser statistic by date for the current month ordered by impressions.


"group_by": ["date"],
"order_by": [
"field": "impressions",
"order": "desc"
"projection": {
"base": ["*"],
"video": ["*"],
"rtb": ["*"]

"request_metadata": {
"count": 3,
"limit": 50,
"offset": 0
"result": [
"clicks": 0,
"cost": 624.2439917,
"cpc": 0,
"cpm": 1.0978015474007,
"ctr": 0,
"group_by": {
"date": {
"date": "2019-03-02"
"impressions": 568631,
"rtb": {
"avg_cpm": 0.31273156270632,
"avg_total_time": 114.34705591799,
"errors": 4143,
"errors_ratio": 0.0076578188576312,
"no_bid": 48085697,
"no_bid_ratio": 88.8804144989,
"queries": 54101567,
"response_ratio": 10.971772776933,
"skipped": 0,
"skipped_ratio": 0,
"success": 54021598,
"timeouts": 75826,
"timeouts_ratio": 0.14015490530986,
"total_time": 6186354907,
"value": 185634.35958,
"win_ratio": 1.1633248996281,
"wins": 629377
"video": {
"cpv": 0,
"impressions": 0,
"views": 0,
"vtr": 0
"clicks": 0,
"cost": 622.1688691,
"cpc": 0,
"cpm": 1.1800128762878,
"ctr": 0,
"group_by": {
"date": {
"date": "2019-03-01"
"impressions": 527256,
"rtb": {
"avg_cpm": 0.27775587567531,
"avg_total_time": 118.91585420372,
"errors": 2954,
"errors_ratio": 0.0078196779097434,
"no_bid": 32641750,
"no_bid_ratio": 86.407573260111,
"queries": 37776492,
"response_ratio": 13.412992397494,
"skipped": 0,
"skipped_ratio": 0,
"success": 37708708,
"timeouts": 64830,
"timeouts_ratio": 0.17161466448499,
"total_time": 4492223815,
"value": 140737.73563,
"win_ratio": 1.4077723257099,
"wins": 531807
"video": {
"cpv": 0,
"impressions": 0,
"views": 0,
"vtr": 0
"clicks": 0,
"cost": 441.843491,
"cpc": 0,
"cpm": 0.96186339096399,
"ctr": 0,
"group_by": {
"date": {
"date": "2019-03-03"
"impressions": 459362,
"rtb": {
"avg_cpm": 0.26462497173837,
"avg_total_time": 116.9210100884,
"errors": 2183,
"errors_ratio": 0.0059889808787451,
"no_bid": 32174177,
"no_bid_ratio": 88.268681100486,
"queries": 36450275,
"response_ratio": 11.500815837466,
"skipped": 0,
"skipped_ratio": 0,
"success": 36366256,
"timeouts": 81836,
"timeouts_ratio": 0.22451408116948,
"total_time": 4261802971,
"value": 110932.87869,
"win_ratio": 1.2852029237091,
"wins": 468460
"video": {
"cpv": 0,
"impressions": 0,
"views": 0,
"vtr": 0

Example 3

Publisher statistic by date and region_id, ordered by impressions.


"detailed": true,
"filter": {
"date_from": "2019-03-10",
"date_to": "2019-03-11",
"country_iso": ["USA"]
"group_by": ["date", "region_id"],
"order_by": [
"field": "impressions",
"order": "desc"
"projection": {
"base": ["*"],
"video": ["*"],
"wpn": ["*"],
"rtb": ["*"]
"limit": 30,
"offset": 0


"request_metadata": {
"count": 2,
"limit": 30,
"offset": 0
"result": [
"clicks": 3087,
"cpc": 0.033842716164561,
"cpm": 0.069188574849649,
"ctr": 0.20444155402072,
"group_by": {
"date": {
"date": "2019-03-11"
"region_id": {
"country_iso": "USA",
"country_long_name": "United States of America",
"country_short_name": "United States",
"id": 5332921,
"name": "California"
"impressions": 1494954,
"revenue": 104.4724648,
"rtb": {
"avg_cpm": 0,
"avg_total_time": 0,
"bid_response_ratio": 0,
"errors": 0,
"errors_ratio": 0,
"no_bid": 0,
"no_bid_ratio": 0,
"queries": 0,
"skipped": 0,
"skipped_ratio": 0,
"success": 0,
"timeouts": 0,
"timeouts_ratio": 0,
"total_time": 0,
"value": 0,
"win_ratio": 0,
"wins": 0
"video": {
"cpv": 0.038451404048583,
"impressions": 15013,
"views": 2717,
"vtr": 18.097648704456
"wpn": {
"subscriptions": 0,
"unsubscriptions": 0
"clicks": 3071,
"cpc": 0.03151133555845,
"cpm": 0.066658890819906,
"ctr": 0.21153940205505,
"group_by": {
"date": {
"date": "2019-03-10"
"region_id": {
"country_iso": "USA",
"country_long_name": "United States of America",
"country_short_name": "United States",
"id": 5332921,
"name": "California"
"impressions": 1436818,
"revenue": 96.7713115,
"rtb": {
"avg_cpm": 0,
"avg_total_time": 0,
"bid_response_ratio": 0,
"errors": 0,
"errors_ratio": 0,
"no_bid": 0,
"no_bid_ratio": 0,
"queries": 0,
"skipped": 0,
"skipped_ratio": 0,
"success": 0,
"timeouts": 0,
"timeouts_ratio": 0,
"total_time": 0,
"value": 0,
"win_ratio": 0,
"wins": 0
"video": {
"cpv": 0.036216808196108,
"impressions": 14921,
"views": 2672,
"vtr": 17.907646940554
"wpn": {
"subscriptions": 0,
"unsubscriptions": 0

Example 4

Publisher statistic by site_id with projection.


"detailed": true,
"projection": {
"base": ["*"],
"video": ["*"],
"wpn": ["*"],
"rtb": ["*"]
"filter": {
"date_from": "2019-03-10",
"date_to": "2019-03-11",
"country_iso": ["USA"]
"group_by": ["site_id"],
"order_by": [
"field": "impressions",
"order": "desc"
"limit": 30,
"offset": 0

"request_metadata": {
"count": 2,
"limit": 30,
"offset": 0
"result": [
"clicks": 14320,
"cpc": 0.028298959692737,
"cpm": 0.057945765404939,
"ctr": 0.20476288186597,
"group_by": {
"site_id": {
"id": "11223344",
"name": "nice-example.com"
"impressions": 6916414,
"revenue": 405.2411028,
"rtb": {
"avg_cpm": 0,
"avg_total_time": 0,
"bid_response_ratio": 0,
"errors": 0,
"errors_ratio": 0,
"no_bid": 0,
"no_bid_ratio": 0,
"queries": 0,
"skipped": 0,
"skipped_ratio": 0,
"success": 0,
"timeouts": 0,
"timeouts_ratio": 0,
"total_time": 0,
"value": 0,
"win_ratio": 0,
"wins": 0
"video": {
"cpv": 0.031519102652252,
"impressions": 77041,
"views": 12857,
"vtr": 16.688516504199
"wpn": {
"subscriptions": 0,
"unsubscriptions": 0
"clicks": 14148,
"cpc": 0.028769196296296,
"cpm": 0.063791981699323,
"ctr": 0.22173710048179,
"impressions": 6314909,
"revenue": 407.0265892,
"rtb": {
"avg_cpm": 0,
"avg_total_time": 0,
"bid_response_ratio": 0,
"errors": 0,
"errors_ratio": 0,
"no_bid": 0,
"no_bid_ratio": 0,
"queries": 0,
"skipped": 0,
"skipped_ratio": 0,
"success": 0,
"timeouts": 0,
"timeouts_ratio": 0,
"total_time": 0,
"value": 0,
"win_ratio": 0,
"wins": 0
"video": {
"cpv": 0.036406671663685,
"impressions": 65620,
"views": 11180,
"vtr": 17.037488570558
"wpn": {
"subscriptions": 0,
"unsubscriptions": 0