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All errors will return the most specific, appropriate HTTP response code from the following table:

Return Codes

400Bad RequestA malformed request was received from the client. This is the most generic response given by the API
401UnauthorizedYou are not authorized and cannot access the requested resource
403ForbiddenYou do not have permission to access the requested resource
404Not FoundThe requested resource cannot be found. It may become available later
405Method Not AllowedAn unsupported HTTP method was used for the requested resource
406Not AcceptableThe Accept or Accept-Encoding type requested by the client is not available
409ConflictThe request cannot be completed because there is a conflict with the existing resource
410GoneThe requested resource is no longer available and never will be in future
411Length RequiredThe requested resource expects a Content-Length to be supplied by the client
413Request Entity Too LargeThe request body supplied by the client was too large, the resource refuses to process it
415Unsupported Media TypeAn incorrect (or no) Content-Type has been supplied by the client
422Unprocessable EntityThe request is not malformed and the media type is acceptable but the resource cannot process the request
429Too many requestsThe rate limit has been reached. Please see Rate Limiting section for more information
500Internal Server ErrorThe server could not process your request due to an unexpected internal server error
501Not ImplementedThe requested resource has not been implemented
503Service UnavailableThe requested service is temporarily not available

Standard Response Format

All errors will have a standard response body with two fields, code and message. More fields can be used but they are optional.


This is the simplest form of an error’s return body, clients can rely on these fields being present in every error.

Error Responses - Example 1 (Baseline)

"code": 429,
"message": "You have exceeded your number of requests. Please try again later"

The following example has, in addition to the standard fields, for errors associated with this specific request.

Error Responses - Example 2 (More Complex)

"code": 422,
"message": "Unprocessable entity",
"cause": "Validation failed",
"errors": [
"resource": "Issue",
"field": "title",
"code": "missing_field"