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In-Stream: 如何创建 In-Stream 活动

Video ads have become an important agent in bringing profitable traffic to our advertisers. If you are planning to start a campaign and you don't know what format to use, we strongly recommend you to give Video a try. We explain the many advantages of Video ads in our blog.

While there are different options for Video Ads, In-stream is the one most favoured by our publishers and the one which will give you access to the greatest inventory. In this tutorial, we will explain how to create an In-Stream campaign.  


在广告系列设置的第 1 步,选择视频作为广告格式。In-Stream是一种区域类型,这意味着所有视频营销活动都将默认针对In-Stream。

如果您想***专门针对 In-Stream 推送,则需要在 "区域类型 "部分取消选择其他推送格式:


然后,在第 2 步中创建您的变体。您可以从设备上传视频材料链接到外部视频

You can find the tech requirements for In-Stream materials in our ad format page

If you want to use a VAST tag as variation, you will need to ask for permission to your account manager or to our Customer Success team.

流媒体广告系列可以采用 CPC、CPM 和 CPV,这是一种视频格式独有的付费模式。CPV 代表每次观看成本(Cost per View),这意味着您将为广告格式产生的每次观看付费(视频广告播放**10 秒后产生一次观看)。

The rest of the settings are chosen similarly to what you would do with any other campaign. You can find a detailed explanation of each of our targeting settings in the main advertiser section from this documentation  


You can find some of the best practices for In-Stream in this case study from our blog.

In addition, you can find more optimization tips for In-Stream in this detailed article.

Lastly, please find here our Ultimate Guide for Video Advertising, which can help you scale up your profit in all your Video campaigns.