Advertisers can buy Email Clicks via Bidding or via Traffic Share flat deals (for this option, please contact your account manager or reach out to the Customer Success team)
In order to create a Email Clicks campaign, simply follow the same steps you would do for a normal campaign. Just make sure you select "Email Clicks" as your ad format:
该格式可用于CPC和Smart CPC竞价。为了节约成本,我们强烈建议您选择 Smart CPC。这样,如果您寻找的流量竞争不大,您就可以节省成本。
此外,还可以考虑启用频率上限,即每 24 小时1 或 2 次点击。这样,您就可以控制初始流量,从而更好地评估流量质量。
Lastly, make sure to enable conversion tracking in your campaign in order to measure the profits from your campaign. This will also allow you to enable advanced optimization features, such as Bidder in order to optimize their bidding prices.
To enable this feature, contact your account manager or reach out to the Customer Success team.
An important macro used often in Email Clicks sites is {sub}. This token will let you receive the Sub ID, which is related to each database used by the website. You can also use some of the other macros listed here
收集到子 ID 后,您可以使用 "区域定位 "中的 "子 ID 定位 "部分来定位或排除这些子 ID:
我们强烈建议您在登陆页面、预登陆页面和注册页面之间进行**A/B 测试,看看哪个页面的转化率最高。
Lastly, we recommend you to have a look at our blog to find some case studies that could match the product you promote.