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MFPI: How to implement a Mobile Fullpage Interstitial ad zone

O intersticial de página inteira móvel é um anúncio posticial acionado por cliques, que aparece entre as páginas de origem e de destino durante a navegação.

Interstitials are a popular ad choice because of their size and is a great alternative to the Mobile Popunder format. It has a high CTR and high viewability.

Ad filter options (Products and Labels) are available so you can control what types of ad can be shown to your users.

O intersticial é totalmente reativo, está em conformidade com a Google e com a Better Ads Coalition e inclui um botão "Fechar anúncio" para facilitar a sua eliminação.

O formato é de fácil utilização, apresentando um banner vertical de 900x1600 (máx. 150KB), alinhado com [Google e IAB] (https://www.exoclick.com/publishers-exoclick-aligns-banner-advertising-sizes-with-iab-standards/).

Step 1

No painel de administração, aceda a Editor > Sites e zonas e clique em Nova zona. Selecione o seu Web site no menu pendente e, em seguida, escolha Mobile > Mobile Fullpage Interstitial e clique em Next (Seguinte).

Step 2

Name: Personalise the ad zone name to suit your own needs (at least 5 characters long).

Category (default): This is automatically selected based on the category of the site you selected in the previous step.

Subcategory (optional): We recommend that you don’t select a subcategory in order to maximise your earning potential.

Frequency capping: You can now use the radio button to choose between Clicks and Time.

  • Time: Determine how many times the interstitial will appear within a period of time.
  • Cliques: Determine quantos cliques são necessários para mostrar o anúncio pela primeira vez e quantos cliques farão com que ele apareça todas as vezes depois disso. Note que este método apenas considera cliques em hiperligações

Exemplo: Se definir "1ª vez após 3 cliques, depois a cada 15 cliques", o anúncio será apresentado após os primeiros 3 cliques do utilizador e, posteriormente, a cada 15 cliques.

Trigger method : Determines whether links need to have a specific class for the Mobile Fullpage Interstitial to trigger.

Browser settings : Determine on which browsers your ad should be displayed:

  • All: Choose this option to show the ad zone on all browsers.
  • Chrome Only: Choose this option to only show the ad zone on Chrome.
  • Non-Chrome Only: Choose this option to show the ad zone on all browsers except Chrome.
  • Anúncios de visualização responsivos: Os anúncios de visualização responsivos adaptam-se a diferentes espaços publicitários, aumentando o inventário e optimizando a monetização.
  • Transparência dos anúncios (DSA): A transparência dos anúncios garante que os anúncios cumprem os regulamentos e fornecem informações claras, incluindo a identidade do anunciante, para criar confiança e promover a transparência.

Fallback HTML: Enable this option to display a custom HTML when there are no campaigns available to show. Switching on this option opens a few more options for your zone:

  • Type: A Soft Floor means that we will also run CPC and CPA campaigns that could have an average eCPM higher than your floor CPM, meaning that the floor is not 100% guaranteed. A Hard Floor means we will only run CPM and Smart CPM campaigns on this zone, meaning that the floor is 100% guaranteed.
  • Floor CPM: The minimum CPM required for campaigns to appear in this zone.

Nota: É necessário adicionar uma etiqueta HTML alternativa ao ativar o HTML de recurso.

Step 3

Bloquear tipo de anúncio: Isto permite-lhe bloquear anúncios com base no público do seu tráfego. os anúncios "Gerais" promovem produtos adequados a todos os visitantes.

Bloquear produtos específicos: Pode bloquear a apresentação de tipos de produtos específicos na sua zona de anúncios. Nota: o bloqueio de demasiados produtos pode resultar na não apresentação de anúncios ou reduzir significativamente as suas receitas.

Quando estes passos estiverem concluídos, clique em CRIAR.

Step 4

Depois de clicar em Criar, o código do snippet de anúncio será gerado. Copie e cole este código no corpo do seu site. A ID da zona gerada será exclusiva da zona de anúncios que criou.

HTML Example:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<p>Fullpage Interstitial</p>

<script async type="application/javascript" src="https://a.pemsrv.com/ad-provider.js"></script>

<ins class="eas6a97888e33" data-zoneid="5509216"></ins>
<script>(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}});



Note: The page should be mobile responsive otherwise the ad will not display correctly.

Using Popunders and Fullpage Interstitials:

You can combine a Mobile Fullpage Interstitial and a Mobile Popunder on the same webpage by setting different triggering options:

Option 1 - Triggering both formats after a number of user clicks

Se configurar um anúncio Popunder para ser apresentado uma vez a cada 24 horas e um Intersticial Mobile Fullpage para aparecer no terceiro clique e, depois, a cada 15 cliques, ambos acionados por cliques em links, eis o que acontecerá: O utilizador verá o Popunder no primeiro clique, o Mobile Fullpage Interstitial no terceiro clique e, depois, aparecerá outro anúncio Interstitial após mais 15 cliques.

Exemplo de HTML Página inteira móvel e Pop na mesma página.




<a href="#section1">Section 1</a>
<a href="#section2">Section 2</a>
<a href="#section3">Section 3</a>

Mobile Fullpage

<script async type="application/javascript" src="https://a.pemsrv.com/ad-provider.js"></script>
<ins class="eas6a97888e33" data-zoneid="5509216"></ins>
<script>(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({ "serve": {} });</script>

Mobile popunder

<script type="application/javascript">

var ad_idzone = "5509218",
ad_popup_fallback = false,
ad_popup_force = false,
ad_chrome_enabled = true,
ad_new_tab = false,
ad_frequency_period = 1440,
ad_frequency_count = 1,
ad_trigger_method = 3,
ad_trigger_delay = 0,
ad_capping_enabled = true;


<script type="application/javascript" src="https://a.pemsrv.com/popunder1000.js"></script>


Option 2 - Triggering both formats depending where the user clicks

You can also place triggers within the webpage to show both ad format when a user clicks on different thumbnails or when he clicks on a video to play or to pause a video for example. This works by setting up specific separate classes as triggers for each ad format.

Exemplo de HTML Página inteira móvel e Pop na mesma página.


<a className="triggerpop" href="#">Popunder</a>
<a className="triggerfull" href="#">Mobile Full Page</a>

Mobile Full Page
<script async type="application/javascript" src="https://a.pemsrv.com/ad-provider.js"></script>
<ins class="eas6a97888e33" data-zoneid="5509216"></ins>
<script>(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}});</script>

Mobile popunder

<script type="application/javascript">
var ad_idzone = "5509218",
ad_popup_fallback = false,
ad_popup_force = false,
ad_chrome_enabled = true,
ad_new_tab = false,
ad_frequency_period = 1440,
ad_frequency_count = 1,
ad_trigger_method = 2,
ad_trigger_class = "triggerpop",
ad_trigger_delay = 0,
ad_capping_enabled = true;

<script type="application/javascript" src="https://a.pemsrv.com/popunder1000.js"></script>


  • Classes must be included within a link tag \<a> containing simple text or an image.
  • Classes must not contain a space. E.: "thumb nail" . Used dashes instead: "thumb-nail".
  • Multiple classes are allowed as long as are set separated by commas: "test, thumb, etc".

Option 3 - Browser selection

Additionally, by using browser settings you could show the Mobile Fullpage Interstitial with one browser and the Popunder in another browser, as both formats have this option available. For instance:

By leaving disabled the option Chrome Enabled, this will stop the Popunder from being displayed in Chrome but not in the rest of the browsers.

If you also select the option Chrome Only for the Mobile Fullpage Interstitial, this format will only be displayed in Chrome.

In this scenario, both formats will be integrated within the same page but triggered depending on the browser the user uses to access your page.

Exemplo de HTML Página completa móvel e Pop na mesma página com definições do navegador.


Mobile Full Page

<script async type="application/javascript" src="https://a.pemsrv.com/ad-provider.js"></script>
<ins class="eas6a97888e33" data-zoneid="5509216"></ins>
<script>(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({ "serve": {} });</script>


<script type="application/javascript">
var ad_idzone = "5509218",
ad_popup_fallback = false,
ad_popup_force = false,
ad_chrome_enabled = false,
ad_new_tab = false,
ad_frequency_period = 1440,
ad_frequency_count = 1,
ad_trigger_method = 2,
ad_trigger_delay = 0,
ad_capping_enabled = true;

<script type="application/javascript" src="https://a.pemsrv.com/popunder1000.js"></script>

<a href="#">Click</a>

Setting up Desktop and Mobile Interstitials within the same site.

Our fullpage interstitial is able to detect the environment (mobile or desktop) used to access the website and serve the corresponding ad.

However, depending on your site set up, you might require an additional set up to make sure the Fullpage interstitial is served for the specific intended device. While you should try to design and develop the code yourself, you can find below an example of how this can be achieved using Jquery.

HTML Example:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mobile-detect/1.3.2/mobile-detect.min.js"></script>
<h1>Detect FPI based on device</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.type = "text/javascript";
window.onload = function(e) {
if ("function" === typeof MobileDetect) {
var detector = (new MobileDetect(window.navigator.userAgent));
if (detector.mobile()) {
<a href="https://www.wikipedia.org/" class="test">Click here</a>

Note: The page should be mobile responsive in order to display the appropriate fullpage interstitial.

Having more than one Mobile Fullpage Interstitial in one place

We do not recommend having more than one Fullpage interstitial in one place, as there are other ways to filter your traffic for better visibility (such as via keywords or via sub IDs).

However, if still want to have different Mobile Fullpage Interstitial zone IDs, then please make sure that each zone ID has a different class trigger. You can follow a similar implementation as Option 2 for Popunder + Fullpage interstitials.

Se tiver algum problema com a configuração da sua zona Intersticial Mobile FullPage, contacte o seu Gestor de Conta ou um Especialista em Sucesso do Cliente [aqui] (https://www.exoclick.com/contact/).