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How to track conversions with Binom

This guide is for Binom only. If you want to know the generic steps for S2S tracking, please check the Advertisers section.

This guide consists of two sections:

a) How to set up conversion tracking in Binom. This section will focus on knowing how to set up the Postback URL in Binom, how to notify conversions to Binom and how to display these conversions in both Binom and ExoClick.

b) How to integrate Exoclick in Binom via API. This section will show how to start or stop ExoClick's campaigns from Binom.

If you want to receive additional information, please check Binom's integration guide.

How to set up Conversions tracking in Binom

ExoClick gives you access to global traffic sources, targeting features, big data and statistical analytical tools to filter results and optimise your campaigns. This manual explains how to track conversions on the ExoClick network when you are using tracking software Binom. In order to track your offer, you need AdsBridge and ExoClick to speak to each other through their APIs.

This manual explains how to track conversions on the ExoClick network when you are using tracking software Binom. In order to track your offer, you need Binom and ExoClick to ‘speak’ to each other, they do this through their APIs.

This manual shows you how to set up server-to-server conversion tracking with Binom's platform.

Step 1: Create the Goal ID for your Postback URL

Log into your ExoClick Admin Panel and go to Campaigns > Conversions tracking. This allows you to create the Goal ID and get the structure to be used in your postback URL:


Click "New Conversion Goal". There are three fields you must complete: Name, Conversion Value and Order. In Name, simply add a name for the goal, for example: "Postback".

The available Conversion Values are:

  • No Value: value is 0
  • Fixed: you determine the payout of the conversion manually when setting up the Goal.
  • Dynamic: the value of the payout will be passed through the Postback URL. Dynamic value passing will be explained in detail later during the guide.

Order is used to organize the different goals you have created in your account. If you have created multiple Conversion Goals, the Order will help you organize how these goals are displayed in your Statistics and in the Campaigns List.

Once you have added all these fields, click on the "Create" button. The Admin Panel will display the structure of the Postback URL as well as the Goal ID corresponding to the Goal you just created. It should look something similar to this:


You can also check our Conversions Tracking page to find out more details about our Goal creation process.

Step 2: Add ExoClick as a traffic source in Binom and configure the Postback

To track conversions on ExoClick you will need to add a dynamic tracker to your campaign URL {conversions_tracking} which identifies each click uniquely.

You must store this tracker on Binom and get it to notify ExoClick’s API each time a user generates a conversion. This is achieved in Binom by configuring ExoClick as the traffic source, using the pre-defined template.

Login to Binom, click "Traffic Sources", then click "Create":


Click "Load from template", then pick "Exoclick" from the available Templates. Binom will pre-populate the traffic source settings from the template.

In the Postback URL field replace the word “REPLACE”, with the goal ID value you generated in STEP 1.


Your postback URL should now look like the following:


Note: If you selected Dynamic value when setting up your Goal in ExoClick, then you will also have to add &value={payout} at the end of the Postback URL so as to pass the value of the conversion. In this case, your postback URL will look like the following:


Click "Save" to save the traffic source.

Step 3 (optional): Set up an Affiliate Network on Binom

If you are not using an Offer from an Affiliate platform, please Skip to Step 4

Click the "Affiliate Networks" tab, then click "Create":


Click on "Load from catalog" to get a list of Affiliate networks you can itnegrate. If your Affiliate network is not on the list, you can manually define the parameters used by the affiliate platform of your choice.

The Postback URL shown here is what you will have to add in your Affiliate Platform in order to notify them the conversions. Important: do not confuse this Postback URL with the one you created in the Traffic Source settings!


If you want to use Dynamic conversion value from your goals, you need to make sure that the payout token from the affiliate platform reaches the postback URL from ExoClick.

For more information on how to set up the Affiliate network in Binom, please check their manual.

Once you have completed setting up your Affiliate Network, click "Save".

Step 4: Create an Offer in Binom.

Click "Offers", then click "Create":


Add the URL of your Offer. Eg:


Make sure to add {clickid} to pass conversions to your Affiliate network. If you added an Affiliate network in the previous step, add it here.

If you defined the payout of the offer through the Postback URL from the Affiliate network, then select "Auto" as "Payout". Otherwise, add the payout from the offer.


Hit "Save" to save the changes.

Step 5: Create a Campaign in Binom.

Click the “Campaigns” tab, then click "Create"


Select ExoClick as the traffic source and enable "Auto" as your campaign costs.


Then, the Offer you created. You can send the traffic directly to this Offer URL or you can create a "Lander" for the Offer. If you want to go for the first option, then click on the "Direct" button under "Landing Pages":


Save the campaign. The Campaign URL will be generated:


You can also get the Campaign URL by pressing the "Info" button in your Campaign tab in Binom:


You will use this Campaign URL to set up the campaign in ExoClick.

Step 6: Create a Campaign in ExoClick.

Paste the campaign URL created in the previous step as your "Variation" for your ExoClick campaign. Make sure it contains the {conversions_tracking} tag to send the conversion details to Binom.


Finish the campaign set up. You can find a detailed guide on how to create a campaign in Exoclick here.

If the set up has been done correctly, you will start seeing conversions both in Binom and ExoClick. Do not forget to enable the corresponding Goal column in your Campaigns List and your statistics.

ExoClick API Binom integration

By integrating Binom with ExoClick via API, you will be able to pause and resume your ExoClick campaigns while at the same time make use of Binom's reporting tools.

Each action you make in Binom will have an instantaneous effect in ExoClick. Here are some of the actions you can make through API Binom integration

  • Check the status of integrated campaigns: You can observe the status of your integrated campaign through campaign settings.
  • Pause or resume an integrated campaign: You can pause or restore an entire integrated campaign in the Campaigns view, in the Actions column.

Note: API integration is only available for Binom v1.


Before you can integrate with Binom, you need to generate an API Token in ExoClick.

Login to your Exoclick account, then click on your username to access your Profile. Click on New API Token, give a name to that token, then hit Save. You will see the API token under the "Token" column:



In addition, you need to have campaigns already created in Binom in order to match them via API. In the next section we will explain this in detail.


To initiate the integration, follow these steps steps:

  1. While you are setting up ExoClick as a Traffic Source in Binom, click on the Integrate button. This will prompt you to add the API token from Exoclick.


  1. If the API token is valid, you will be able then to click on "Campaigns" and begin matching your campaigns in ExoClick with your campaigns in Binom.


  1. Click on the "Link Campaign" button next to the campaign name, then select the campaign in Binom that matches it.


Once the campaign is matched, you will be able to Pause or Resume the ExoClick campaign from Binom:



Remember that every time you create a campaign in ExoClick, you will have to repeat these steps in order to match it with your Binom campaign.

  1. If you want to unlink the campaign, click on the Unlink button in Binom's campaign settings:


If you need further guidance on how to set up Conversion tracking or API Integration in Binom, don't hesitate to contact Binom support. You can also contact ExoClick's Customer Success to review these steps.