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Setting up your publisher account

We are happy you have considered ExoClick as a great way to generate revenue from your website(s)!

Start to receive earnings by following the steps below. On average it takes just 15 minutes!

Sign Up

Sign up here by selecting "Publisher - I want to sell traffic" at the bottom of the form.


Add your Website

Please check here to find out how to submit your website (note that, depending on what type of site you submit, you will have to verify your ownership).

If you have multiple sites and you do not want to submit them one-by-one, please contact our Compliance department. You can do so by selecting "Website Validation" as the contact reason in our contact form.

Once your site has been submitted, it will be switched to "Pending" and it will be reviewed by our Compliance team.


You can find out more about how to get your site approved by following the recommendations from this page.

If your website becomes rejected, please check the rejection reason shown in the Admin Panel. Once you have amended the issue affecting your site, please contact our Compliance Department using the "Website Review" reason from our contact form.

Create your Ad zones

You can find out what ad formats we have available and how to create an ad zone here

Note: One account can have a maximum of 800 active zones. There is no maximum number of archived zones.

Additional help

Don't forget to review the Publisher FAQ's for other useful advice.

Should you have any problems or questions with setting up your Publisher account, please contact our Customer Success team by selecting the most relevant reason from our contact form.