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I submitted my website. Will it be approved?

That's great news!

Once you've submitted a site it automatically gets queued for manual review by our Compliance Team. In the meantime, consider the following:

Did you check our guidelines?

Taking a few moments to make sure you meet the minimum approval standards will help avoid frustration if there are delays in reviewing your site. We don't like to reject sites so making sure everything is in order, can save you valuable time later!

Are your ad zones set up and added to your site?

Don't lose valuable time and earnings by waiting for the site review. As soon as you implement our ad codes into your site you will start to receive advertising and generate revenue.

Do you have any planned site maintenance/updates?

If you have plans to temporarily take your site offline, please contact the Compliance team here and selecting the "Website Review" reason. Confirm the dates/times when the site is down in order to make sure the team does not review the site while it is offline.  

Do you want to add more sites?

Go right ahead, there's no problem. However, remember that there are some restrictions:

  • The maximum number of sites you can add is 200
  • The maximum number of ad zones you can create is 2500

We recommend if you have more than 10 websites that you write to the team by selecting "Website Review" from the Compliance form here to give you implementation advice or alternative options.

Be patient!

The compliance team works 24/7 but review times vary depending on how many websites are submitted, and they are all reviewed manually and in chronological order by oldest website submission. Most times, your site will be reviewed within 24hrs but don't worry we won't forget you, we promise!

Remember you can check the status of your website in your Admin Panel from the "Sites&Zones" tab at any time.