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Our statistics do not match yours

Several things could explain such a discrepancy:

  • ExoClick counts raw impressions and passes them immediately i.e. no filtering. The page visited does not need to load fully for the impression to be counted on our platform.
  • If you use our tracking pixel, it counts 1 event per IP per 24 hours. So the same user, or users sharing a same IP address, will only be counted once.
  • External report tools normally require the browser of the site visitor, to process the page, and load all the elements, which can take anywhere from a few seconds to maybe 30+ seconds. depending how heavy the page is. This will impact the recording of the impression depending on the type of report you have and therefore tracked impressions may not be recorded.
  • Note that a tool like Google Analytics for example, counts sessions or visitors and not impressions.
  • Approx 30% of site visitors are using Adblock or “Private Mode” on their browser and this will impact many of the tracking tools being used today.
  • Your reporting tool may be filtered in various ways, please check if your filters are actually the cause of the discrepancy you are seeing.

In summary

Different systems usually do not count the same things, ExoClick counts at an earlier step, and counts immediately. Whereas other tracking methods will be counted at a much later stage, which means it will not register the impressions in a lot of cases. Ad Blockers and Private Browsing usually will block those tracking methods and so they will not appear.

For anything else please contact us with specific information and a copy of your report.