Open RTB Advertiser Request and Response Examples
Open RTB Advertiser Request
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Direct Links
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Clics en correos electrónicos
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Fullpage Interstitial (Mobile and Desktop)
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Push Notifications - 720 x 480
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Push Notifications - 192 x 192
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Banner under DSA
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Open RTB Advertiser Response
Banner / iFrame / Popunder / In-Stream / Push Notifications JSON
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Direct Links JSON
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Email Clicks JSON
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Fullpage Interstitial (Mobile and Desktop) JSON
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Native JSON
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Banner under DSA
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ADM structure examples
Banner ADM
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Direct Links ADM
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Email Clicks ADM
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Iframe HTML Banner ADM
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Fullpage Interstitial Iframe (Mobile and Desktop) ADM
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Fullpage Interstitial Banner (Mobile and Desktop) ADM
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Popunder ADM
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In-Stream Ads ADM
- Remote VAST
Based on the following JSON object:
"instream": {
"remoteUrl": ""
- Local VAST
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Based on the following JSON object:
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Native Ads ADM
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Which is based on the following JSON object:
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Push Notification ADM
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Which is based on the following JSON object:
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