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Anuncios en pantalla con capacidad de respuesta (RDA)

Los Responsive Display Ads (RDA) son una combinación de elementos visuales y textuales que pueden utilizarse como alternativa a nuestros anuncios estándar. Estos anuncios ajustan automáticamente su tamaño, apariencia y formato para adaptarse al espacio publicitario asignado. Se trata de una gran fuente para que los profesionales del marketing digital realicen sus campañas publicitarias. Los editores pueden habilitar esta configuración para optimizar el rendimiento de las zonas publicitarias con un mayor inventario de anuncios para los formatos de escritorio y móvil.

Responsive Display Ads

Responsive Display Ads

Responsive Display Ads



As an Advertiser, while creating a Native Ad campaign, there is a Responsive Display Ads checkbox on step 5 of campaign setup:

Responsive Display Ads

Checking this box will extend the reach of your campaign to include zones that are enabled for Responsive Display Ads,essentially using content from your Native campaign to be responsively displayed within the allocated zone.

This checkbox is enabled in all Native campaigns by default.


As a Publisher, you will see a button called Responsive Display Ads in the zone settings from the following formats:

  • Banner / Mobile Banner:

Responsive Display Ads 1

  • Instant Message / Mobile Instant Message:

Responsive Display Ads 2

  • Sticky Banner:

Responsive Display Ads 3

  • FullPage Interstitial / Mobile FullPage Interstitial:

Responsive Display Ads 4

Switching on this button opens up these zones to demand from Native Ad campaigns. These campaigns are then added to the bidding auction for these zones. The content from winning Native campaigns is then served to responsively display within the allocated zone.

This button is switched on in all these zones by default.