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Adding Display Notification Events for Fullpage Interstitials

Once you have clicked on Create in the New Zone screen, you will be presented with the snippet for your new ad zone.

Desktop Fullpage Interstitial and Mobile Fullpage Interstitial zones will be presented with an extra script to be added if needed.

This script adds an event listener to an event called creativeDisplayed ,suffixed with **the ID of the ad zone that

This event listener allows you to programmatically execute any action you may need on your website and get more information about the element that triggered the event, such as URL, id, classes and text.

In the example below, you can see we are displaying the Creative shown! message in Console when the Fullpage Interstitial ad is displayed.

<script type="application/javascript" data-idzone="XXXXXXX" data-ad_frequency_count="20" data-ad_frequency_period="60" data-type="desktop" data-browser_settings="1" data-ad_trigger_method="3" src=""></script>

<a href="">Visit!</a>

<script type="application/javascript">
document.addEventListener('creativeDisplayed-XXXXXX', function (e) {

console.log("Creative shown!");

}, false);